Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 4: February "Mile for a Like" Challenge... Time to Go Hardcore!

Yesterday I resolved to do a shorter run to give my body the break it needed--- but not today, folks! I have a relaxing day at the spa tomorrow, and I have already promised  to myself that I will NOT run tomorrow. I mean, really, come on now--- the point of going to the spa is to relax! So tomorrow will be a relaxing non-running day for me (no workouts at all scheduled tomorrow for me, actually--- that seems close to blasphemy in Muddy Melissa's book!). Not wanting to slack off though, I made up for tomorrow's schedule R&R day with an extra-long run today: 22 miles. Believe it or not, I still felt like I was going strong towards the end of those 22 miles! My body just loves running so much, and I think it'd go forever if I'd let it!

I also got some cute new workout duds in the mail today. I received several shirts from an Etsy shop called Strong Girl Clothing. Being a self-admitted strong girl myself, this shop's clothing line and their message was right up my alley. I received a plethora of adorable shirts, including one that says "26.2 Miles: Full on Crazy!" which is perfect for a marathoner like myself! I also got several others that say "Beast Mode," "Eat Clean, Train Dirty," and "Train Like a Beast, Look Like a Beauty" (as well as the ones pictured below!) Melanie, the owner, designer, and creator of Strong Girl Clothing is super friendly, eager to spread the message that strong IS beautiful in women. Not to mention that the clothes she designs are a-freaking-dorable! If you're looking for some cute workout duds, give this Etsy shop a try!

My favorite shirt: "And though she be but little, she if FIERCE!' Does that describe me or WHAT?!
Day 4: 190-22=168!

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